M-F 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. | 480 800 4890 | Insurance Info

Telehealth Appointments
What is Telehealth?
In addition to seeing patients in person in Chandler and Mesa, Arizona, we also offer telehealth appointments.
Telehealth appointments are the video alternative to seeing your provider in person. Advantages include not having to leave your home, not having to drive, and maintaining social distancing. All you need is a decent broadband connection, a modern device (smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer) that supports video and audio, and an appointment.
Existing, and many new, patients may schedule telehealth visits, no matter where you live in Arizona or if you live out of state full- or part-time. The majority of insurance companies have relaxed their telehealth requirements because of COVID-19; before calling us, verify your insurance coverage for telehealth visits. We also offer self-pay options.
Neurology Associates offers telehealth appointments for all neurologists and Arshad Aziz, PA-C, as well for Dr. Marnie Whitley, Kerby McDonald, and, to some extent, our physical therapist, Eric Gee. Please review the Frequently Asked Questions section below, then call us to schedule your video visit.

We Accept Out-of-State Patients
via Telehealth Video Appointments
We are pleased to offer telehealth appointments to existing and new patients outside of Arizona.* If you’re a snowbird or other part-time resident, this means you now may benefit from continuity of care with your neurologist or other Neurology Associates provider year-round.
And, depending on condition, new patients also now have access to our highly respected neurologists, naturopathic physician and counselor, psychiatric nurse practitioner, and physical therapist.
Our ability to care for out-of-state patients comes as regulators and insurance companies relax the requirements for seeing doctors and other providers over video. Please review the Frequently Asked Questions section below, then call us to schedule your telehealth visit.
*There may be some exceptions or limitations to our ability to see someone who lives out of state. Please call us at 480 800 4890 so we can determine your eligibility for telehealth appointments.
Self-Pay-Eligible Services
Call us at 480 800 4890 for pricing
New patient consultation (any neurologist, depending upon condition, or Kerby McDonald)
Established patient follow-up (any provider)
Behavioral health (Kerby McDonald)
Physical therapy